
News on gBags – compostble bags usage

Viruses can survive in water by ‘hitch-hiking’ on microplastics, new study finds

Microplastics are so small that they could potentially be ingested by someone swimming,’ says the lead researcher Viruses can survive and remain infectious by “hitch-hiking” on microplastics in freshwater, scientists have found, raising concern about the impact on human health. Researchers from the University of Stirling found that rotavirus, which causes diarrhoea and an upset stomach, could survive for

Viruses can survive in water by ‘hitch-hiking’ on microplastics, new study finds Read More »

Just 20 companies are responsible for over half of ‘throwaway’ plastic waste, study says

LONDON — Just 20 companies are the source of more than half of single-use plastic items thrown away globally, according to a study that highlights the devastating impact on the environment. The Plastic Waste Makers Index, Tuesday, names the companies that are at the forefront of the plastic supply chain and manufacture polymers, known as

Just 20 companies are responsible for over half of ‘throwaway’ plastic waste, study says Read More »

5 Types of Bioplastics: Starch, Cellulose, Protein, Organic, Aliphatic Polyesters

BIOPLASTICS AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO PETROLEUM-BASED PLASTICS The development of bioplastics – plastics that are biodegradable and made of natural materials – provides businesses with eco-friendly alternatives for packaging and products, especially single-use items that contribute a lot of waste. The bioplastic industry is still in its early stages but steadily growing and will begin replacing many

5 Types of Bioplastics: Starch, Cellulose, Protein, Organic, Aliphatic Polyesters Read More »

An underestimated threat: land-based pollution with microplastics

Tiny plastic particles also present a threat to creatures on land and may have damaging effects similar or even more problematic than in our oceans. Researchers from the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) and their Berlin colleagues warn: the impact of microplastics in soils, sediments and the freshwaters could have a long-term

An underestimated threat: land-based pollution with microplastics Read More »

The negative environmental effects of plastic shopping bags

Introduction People use plastic bags to carry items like food and clothes, which are bought from shops. Plastic bags are commonly used, even though we know they can damage the environment. For urban solid waste, plastic bags have become major items in the litter system. This has resulted in many detrimental environmental effects including animal

The negative environmental effects of plastic shopping bags Read More »